Friday, January 21, 2005

The Sob plague has hit Scotland and is making its way to Edinburgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There have many deaths in Scotland and they could be due to the Sob plague.

Folks of Edinburgh. I recomend that you hurry down to your local GP and check whever you have the sob plague or not. This could be your last chance to find out just how spurious this desease is. Be warned as we don't fully understand the Sob plague. Beware Edinburgh, a new plague is about to hit you and you will be fine.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


The Sob plague has hit the shores of the UK. There are confirmed to be some deaths which could be due to the Sob Plague or most likely not. Hypochdriacs beware!!!! Go to a doctoer to be told how false this threat is and then go home and relax.

Now a word from our good friend Dioty Jackson.

Hi all. I see you all know how serious this is, heck knows I don't. I suffer from the sob plague and I feel that all the thoughts about deaths being due to it is just crazy. But don't listen to me. My brain is in pain so I could be saying anything without knowing what it means. Oh man it is a strange pain. It is not an actual pain as such but something that I can't explain. It is like a wieght on my mind and it stops me from thinking clearly. Beware what I describe is quite real!!!!!!!!!!

That was Dioty Jackson. Now if anyone suffers from this plague then please tell us your symptoms and don't forget to look out for other updates on this shocking affair.

Till next time, don't fear and have a pleaseant life.